Yoga in the Park


If you love yoga, or always wanted to try it but never had the chance, why not make the most of the glorious summer season in Geneva and join one of the Yoga in the Park courses starting on Monday 25th of June ?

This great initiative is organised by l’association “2 B.E.” and has been going for three years. Courses are held at the Parc La Grange on the following days:

  • Mondays 7pm-9.30pm
  • Wednesdays 6.30pm-8pm
  • Saturdays 9.30am-10.30am

(click here for more info)

Alternatively, you can join one of the courses held at the Parc Beaulieu:

  • Mondays 6.30pm-8pm
  • Thursdays 12.30-1.30pm
  • Sundays 6pm-7pm

(click here for further info)

Courses are for all levels and beginners are welcome. The association suggests a donation of around 15-25 CHF per person, some yoga mats are available but bring your own if you have one.

If your French isn’t that great, don’t worry. When we moved here 4 years ago I didn’t speak any French, but one of the first things I did was join a French-speaking yoga club at the local gym and it really helped.

The course allowed me not only to de-stress, stretch and relax, but also to meet new people and continue doing something that had always been a part of “me” for years, the “me” that I felt was dangerously slipping through my fingers in this new role as a trailing spouse.

Most importantly though, my yoga course helped me to learn some French without the pain of a grammar lesson !

Before you know it, you’ll have mastered all the French words to indicate body parts, muscles and – why not – a bit of meditation French as well.

Namaste everyone…



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