If macaroons are you weakness and you dream of a relaxed, civilized Wednesday afternoon with the little ones then you’ll be happy to learn that Ladurée in Geneva are now organizing afternoon tea-times for children aged 5 to 10 (accompanied by an adult or carer or frazzled mum, of course).
The Ladurée “Goûters des enfants” will take place at 2.30pm in their tea-room on the Quai des Bergues (rue du Mont-Blanc 1) on the following Wednesdays:
- Wednesday 12th April 2017: Easter tea time and fun activities
- Wednesday 10th May 2017: Swiss Mother’s Day
- Wednesday 7th June 2017: Swiss Father’s Day
- Wednesday 1st November 2017: Halloween
- Wednesday 13th December 2017: Get ready for Christmas!

These fun tea-times are organized in collaboration with Jour de Rêve, who will ensure your little monsters are kept entertained while you enjoy a well-deserved breather and a catch-up with friends!
For more info and to reserve your places you can contact Ladurée by phone on 022 716 06 06 or by email at restaurantg15@laduree.com