The much-dreaded bise, the freezing northern wind that around this time of year takes hold of the entire Lac Léman region, is here again, making a visit to our favourite playground a very unappealing option for the little ones.
But fear not, as a new Lego® and Duplo® Bricks Café has just opened in St-Sulpice (Lausanne), so we can keep our cheeky monkeys entertained and meet up with their little friends without freezing our bones off!
Part of the Bricks 4 Kidz® creativity centre, this great new café will allow parents and carers to enjoy a coffee and a chat, while the little tiddlers revel in plenty of free play.

Children will have access to the Bricks 4 Kidz® Lego® and Duplo® large supply of multi-coloured building bricks, while you take a moment to relax and enjoy a coffee & a chat with other parents.
Alternatively, if your child is over the age of 3, you can leave him/her under the supervision of the qualified Bricks 4 Kidz® while you run your errands.
Prices range from 5CHF for a half hour free-play session if you remain with your child, to as little as 7CHF for a supervised half hour if you buy a stamp card. You can downlaod the full price list here.
But the good news doesn’t end here: if you mention to the staff at the Bricks Café that you read about them on the blog Geneva Family Diaries, you will receive a free coffee or tea and your little one will receive a free glass of sirop, so make sure you mention this post!
Opening times for the Bricks 4 Kidz® Café are as follows:
- Tuesday mornings from 10.30am until 12.30pm.
- Wednesday mornings from 9am until 11am.
- Thursday mornings from 10.30am until 12.30pm.
Click here to downlaod the full weekly planning. Unfortunately, there won’t be any Bricks 4 Kidz® Café during school holidays, as the creativity centre holds holiday camps.
Bricks 4 Kidz® Creativity Center
Rue du Centre 72
1025 St-Sulpice (Vaud)
CREATIVITY CENTER MANAGER : Annie STEDMAN : / +41.78.774.74.14.
OWNER: Valerie COUDERC : / +41.78.774.77.17.

This is NOT a sponsored post. We thought the idea of an open-play Bricks Café was such a great one, we just couldn’t wait to share it! We haven’t had time to test it yet, but when we do you will be the first ones to read all about it.