Spring is almost here and the list of events in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France is filled with exciting outings to enjoy with the family. For more
ideas, you can also take a look at our previous posts about skiing with the tiddlers, winter sledging and indoor playcentres.
Here’s our list of suggestions for March 2014, but keep checking our blog, as we will be updating this post with more events each week!
This year, all Carnival celebrations will take place during the month of March so make sure you don’t miss it! As well as the Basel Carnival 2014 on the 10th-12th of March and the Venetian Carnival in Annecy (France) on the 15th-16th of March you can also marvel at the gorgeous parades, Guggenmusiks (Carnival marching bands) and masked balls in the following villages of the Suisse Romande:
- Carnaval Vallorbe, 7th-8th March 2014
- Payerne Carnival, 7th-10th March 2014
- Brandons in Grandson, 8th-9th March 2014
- Yverdon-les-Bains Carnival, 14th-16th March 2014
- Moudon Carnival, 20th-23rd March 2014
- Avenches Carnival, 21st-23rd March 2014
- Carnaval Orbe, 28th-30th March 2014

- You can read our previous post to find all the best child-friendly places to enjoy a delicious and stress-free
Sunday brunch with your
little buttons.
- Stuck for ideas on a Sunday ? Find some ideas and suggestions here !
- Saturday 1st of March 2014: the Swiss actress Anne Richard will be signing copies of her children’s audiobooks at the Payot Rive Gauche Bookshop in Geneva from 11am to 12.30pm. Free entry.
- 1st-2nd March 2014: “Le défi sacré du grand totem” Sonia Grimm’s latest show for kids from age 5 at the Salle des fêtes du Lignon (Place du Lignon 16) in Vernier. From 4pm your little ones will be entertained with music, songs and lots of fun (in French), my children are great fans of Sonia Grimm and we always have a great time
at her shows!

- 1st-2nd & 5th March 2014: “La grenouille magique”, puppetshow from age 4 at La julienne in Plan-les-Ouates (Route de St-Julien 116). Tickets can be purchased at the door, price 10CHF per person.
- 1st-9th March 2014: “Oliver!”, the world-famous Lionel Bart’s musical – based on Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” – comes to the Casino
Théâtre in Geneva (rue de Carouge 42). Don’t miss it if you want to sing along to Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself, You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two, I’d Do Anything, Oom-Pah-Pah, As Long As He Needs Me, and many more.

- 1st-16th March 2014: indoor playcentre C L’Aventure in Annemasse (France) will be celebrating Carnival with plenty of fun activities
and a masked parade on the 4th of March 2014. Call +33 (0)4-50-74-37-82 for full details. You can read more about C L’Aventure in our previous post.

- 1st-16th March 2014: Vitam’Migros in Neydens (France) will be offering a series of fantastic classes and workshops for children to coincide with the French school holidays. Some of the courses are suitable from 18 months, and they include bébés grimpeurs, éveil musical, Zumba parents-enfants and many more – just click here for full details and to reserve your places online.

- 1st-31st March 2014: Festival du Film Vert, a film festival with a green conscience taking place across 30 towns in France and Suisse Romande. The festival will be showcasing an amzing range of international movies that deal with important ecological issues that concerns us all. Take a look at the official website for full programme details.

- 1st March-13th April 2014: Intégrale Joel et Ethan Coen, to celebrate their 60th birthday and 30 years in the movie business. If you’re a fan of the Coen brothers don’t miss this extraordinary retrospective of their work at the Cinémathèque suisse in Lausanne (Casino de Montbenon, Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3). From the Big Lebowski to Fargo & No Country for Old Men, you can watch them all for 15CHF or buy a carnet of 10 tickets for 70CHF.

- until 2nd March 2014: “Palmes & Co. exposition-promenade” at the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques in Geneva, one of Switzerland’s most important collection of palm trees. Close your eyes and pretend summer is still here as you stroll through the Botanical Garden’s beautiful lawns and spot all the different varieties of palm trees. The Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques are a great place for families, so make sure you make the most of their small zoo and fantastic playground. Open everyday from 8am to 7.30pm, see the botanical gardens’ official website for full details and a complete list of their guided tours.
- until 2nd March 2014: NOTA BÉBÉS, an adorable puppet-show for ages 1 to 3 at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève (Rue Rodo 3). Visit the official website for exact performance times and to book your tickets.

- until 2nd March 2014: Les Hivernales rock’n’beat festival in Nyon with international guests including Dave Rowntree and Alice Lewis. See the official website to download the full programme.

- Sunday 2nd March 2014: Free entry to all museums and exhibitions in Geneva, a special initiative organized by the city of Geneva offering free access to permanent and temporary exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month.
- Sunday 2nd March 2014: “Je suis la plus belle”, part of the “Moment Famille” at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome to discover the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Free entry, no advance booking required. There will be one session at 11am and one at 3pm.
- Sunday 2nd March 2014: Vide-dressing for men’s & women’s clothing at the Kraken Bar in Geneva (Rue de l’Ecole-de-Médecine 8) from 11am to 8pm. What better way to start replenishing your spring wardrobe?
- Sunday 2nd March 2014: “Par ma fenêtre…” Petit Rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO for little ones aged 5-10 accompanied by an adult: free of charge and no advance booking required! Introduce them to the joys of modern art with these fun, interactive tours starting at 11.15am. There will be other tours on Wednesday 5th of March 2014 (Mini Rendez-vous for toddlers aged 2-4 and Petits Rendez-vous for 5-10 year-olds, both starting at 3.15pm). More Petits Rendez-vous on Wednesday 12th, 19th & 26th of March 2013 at 3.15pm.

- 3rd-15th March 2014: CrocO’deal Coffee in Divonne-les-Bains (France) will be holding a series of fun workshops and classes (in French) for little ones aged 4+ at 3 Euros for morning sessions and 6 Euros for afternoon ones. Take a look at our previous post for more details.

- Tuesday 4th March 2014: “Voyage autour du conte et des histoires” storytime from age 4 at the library of La Julienne in Plan-les-Ouates from 4.30pm to 5.45pm. Free entry.

- 4th-5th March 2014: Art on Ice at the Patinoire de Malley in Lausanne, a breathtaking show starring the world’s best skating stars. The show starts at 7.30 pm and lasts 2h 45min (incl. the break).

- 4th-9th March 2014: Cirque Helvetia at the Place Bellerive in Lausanne. They will be presenting their new show “Illumination”, tickets start from 24CHF for children and 32CHF for adults.

- 4th-16th March 2014: “Lola Folding”, an exhilarating rock tale from age 8 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). Lola Folding is 9 and she can’t resist temptations, her life is full of adventures! Performed in French.

- Wednesday 5th March 2014: “Le Grand Pourquoi”, a philosophical show from age 4 at the Usine A Gaz in Nyon (Rue César Soulié 1). A fascinating look at all the little questions that fill the minds of our little ones. Starts at 3pm, tickets are 10CHF for children and 15CHF for adults.
- Wednesday 5th March 2014: “Histoires étranges et biscornues”, free story time in French from age 4 at the at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31 sous-sol) starting at 2.30pm. Free entry, no advance booking necessary.
- Wednesday 5th March 2014: “Mystères dans la rhizosphère” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be 2 other workshops this month on Wed. 12th, 19th and 26th of March 2014.

- Wednesday 5th March 2014: Mini Rendez-vous for toddlers aged 2-4 and Petits Rendez-vous for 5-10 year-olds, both starting at 3.15pm. Visit Geneva’s MAMCO with your little ones, these family tours are free of charge and require no advance booking. There will be other Petits Rendez-vous for ages 5 to 10 on Wednesday 12th, 19th & 26th of March 2013 at 3.15pm.
- 5th March 2014: “Initiation au yoga pour enfants” (in French) at 1.30pm at the Paroisse Saint-Jacques (Avenue du Léman 26) in Lausanne. Organized by the Association “Les Ateliers du Coeur” this event will offer children and their families a chance to try out a yoga session for children as well as a bit of creative and fun play!

- 5th March 2014: “Les oiseaux dans la BD” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- 5th March 2014: Les coulisses des collections, family visit from age 8 at the Musée de la Croix-Rouge in Geneva (Avenue de la Paix 17). From 2pm to 4pm children will be able to explore the exhibition and secret objects of the museum. Entry is free for children but places must be reserved online (see their official website).

- 5th March 2014: “Au fil d’Ariane”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).

- 5th-9th March 2014: “Marine”, a puppet show from age 3 at the Théatre de marionnettes de Lausanne (Aula du Collège des Bergières, Avenue des Bergières 44). A lovely story about little Marine, who lives by the ocean with her dad the Lighthouse Master. Tickets cost 12CHF per person. Check their official website for full details.

- 5th-26th March 2014: “Chaperon Rouge Cartoon”, a delightful puppet show in French with a modern take on the story of Little Red Riding Hood at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève. Suitable from age 5.

- Thursday 6th March 2014: Manor Beauty Night in collaboration with Femina, from 5pm to 9pm at Manor Genève Rue Cornavin. Take part in this fab event to discover now products & beauty trends, accompanied by live DJ sets, cocktails, gifts and some great offers! If you have time, why not take a limousine ride through the city? Check the official Femina website for full details.
- 6th-16th March 2014: 84th International Motor Show at Geneva’s Palexpo. This motorshow needs no introduction so we’ll just share some good tips: all tickets bought on site after 4pm are half price; there will be a day nursery in the Entrance Hall, caring for children aged 3 months – 7 years (1st hour free of charge, after that CHF 6 per hour). Last but not least, beware of the traffic congestion around Geneva’s airport for the duration of the motorshow.

- 7th-16th March 2014: L’autre salon, organized by the association PRO VELO Genève, runs in parallel with the International Motorshow and offers an eco-friendly alternative for all those people who’d rather cycle than drive. This is ‘alternative’ Geneva at its best: the programme is filled with very interesting activities (wheteher you’re a bike-pro or not) including a Kidical Mass bike bike parade on the 15th of March, live music in various locations and vélo-polo at La Praille. Click here for the full programme, park the car and get on your bike!
- 7th March 2014: “Rencontre coulisse”, a delightful music & puppet show from age 5 at the Bibliothèque des Eaux-Vives in Geneva (Rue Sillem 2), starting at 5pm. This is Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) revisited in a fun way, the little ones will enjoy it! Free entry no advance booking required.
- 7th-10th March 2014: Payerne Carnival, one of the largest carnival celebrations in the Suisse Romande.

- 7th-16th March 2014: International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) at the Maison des Arts du Grütli in Geneva (16, rue du Général-Dufour). Don’t miss this extraordinary festival, which – as the website says – “will show a series of films and documentaries about contemporary human rights: violence against women, poverty, torture, international justice and climate change”.

- 8th March 2014: Open Day at the Ecole Rudolph Steiner in Geneva. The school starts from age 3 and they will offer guided tours and talks about their teaching methods at 10am, 11am and midday.
- 8th March 2014: Le skatepark aux filles at the skatepark in Plainpalais from midday. Did you know that the skatepark in Plainpalais is the largest in Europe? Don’t miss this great event with live demonstrations, live music & street art: the kids will love it!

- 8th March 2014: “Le défi sacré du grand totem” Sonia Grimm’s latest show for kids from age 2 at the Salle des Morettes in Prangins. From 4pm your little ones will be entertained with music, songs and lots of fun (in French), my children are great fans of Sonia Grimm and we always have a great time at her shows!

- 8th-9th March 2014: “Le petit singe musicien”, a puppetshow from age 4 at the Salle J.J. Gautier in Chêne-Bougeries (rue du Vallon 2). Tickets can be purchased at the door and cost 10CHF per person.
- 8th-9th March 2014: GENEVE CHÊNE-BOUGERIES Festival de marionnettes et Cie : 11e édition. A great puppet-show festival (in French) from age 3 at the Salle Jean-Jacques Gautier in Chêne-Bougeries (Route du Vallon 1). The festival opening times will be 11am to 5pm on Saturday 8th of March and 9.30am-midday, 1.30pm to 4pm on Sunday 9th of March, tickets cost 10CHF per person. There will be puppet shows and workshops (advance booking required), click here to download the full programme.

- 8th-16th March 2014: Habitat-Jardin, a fantastic home decor & garden exhibition at the Expo Beaulieu in Lausanne. With 500 exhibitors this is the place to go to find that special piece of furniture you’ve been pining for, or everything you need to indulge your inner gardener. Open from midday to 8pm during the week and from 10am to 6pm at the weekend. Tickets are 16CHF for adults and entry is free for children up to the age of 16.

- Sunday 9th March 2014: Vide-Grenier : marché aux puces couvert at the Halles CFF in Morges (opposite the train station). This is largest indoor flea market in the area, if you’re looking for a vintage piece or a bargain this is the place to go! 120 sellers will be present, entry is free.

- until 9th March 2014: Festival Sotchi at the Olympic Museum in Ouchy (Lausanne). Visitors can discover the Olympic icons of Sochi 2014, including the torch, medals, mascots, emblem and pictograms. The exhibition reveals the “Look of the Games”, a patchwork of crafts from fourteen regions in Russia, and looks at how these designs will be used across the city, in stadiums and on souvenirs.

- until 9th March 2014: “Robinson Crusoe”, the Daniel Defoe classic will be brought to the stage at the Théâtre Rodolphe Töpffer in Geneva. Read all about it in our previous post.
- 9th March-6th April 2014: “La Brioche des Mioches”, a unique brunch-cum-poetry show from age 5 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). A delicious Sunday brunch consisting of brioche, chocolate & tartines snack will be followed by a music & poetry show. Performances take place at 10am on Sundays, tickets are 10CHF for children and 15CHF for adults.

- 10th-12th March 2014: Basel Carnival 2014, Switzerland’s most famous Carnival celebrations with its costumes, live music and parades lit by lanterns – this is the time a Swiss city truly goes wild! The Carnival in Basel is the largest carnival celebration in Switzerland, with over 20,000 masks filling the streets of the city with their carnival lanterns. Find out more at www.basel.com.

- Tuesday 11th March 2014: from 9am to 11am, “Aux mille voyages” storytime in French for children at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38 grand rue).
- 11th-13th March 2014: Shen Yun 2014 Performing Arts, ballet of classic Chinese dance inspired by the oldest myths and legends of China, accompanied by a symphonic orchestra. Performances will take place at 8pm each evening at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva.

- 12th March 2014: “Sorcière, sorcière…”, story time in French from age 5 at the Bibliothèque Grand-Vennes in Lausanne (Chemin des Abeilles 17). From 3pm to 5pm, free entry.
- 12th March 2014: “Ecoute une histoire et fabrique…” time & workshop in French from age 5 at the Bibliothèque Montriond in Lausanne (Avenue de la Harpe 2). Children will learn to personalize their mail and envelopes. Entry is free but places must be booked in advance at 021 315 6980
- 12th March 2014: “L’Aventure humanitaire ra-contée”, family visit from age 8 at the Musée de la Croix-Rouge in Geneva (Avenue de la Paix 17). From 2pm to 4pm children will be able to explore the museum collection, take part in creative workshops and listen to stories. Entry is 5CHF for children and 10CHF for adults, places must be reserved online in advance (see their official website).

- 12th March 2014: “Animation cerfs-volants” in French for ages 6-12 at the Maison du Salève in France (775 route de Mikerne, 74160 Présilly) from 2pm to 4pm. Children will learn to make their own kites. Price is 6€ per child, accompanied by an adult (entry for 1 adult per child is free), places must be reserved in advance at info@maisondusaleve.com or + 33 (0)4 50 95 92 16.

- 12th March 2014: Petit Rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO for little ones aged 5-10 accompanied by an adult: free of charge and no advance booking required! Introduce them to the joys of modern art with these fun, interactive tours starting at 3.15am. There will be other tours on Wednesday 19th & 26th of March 2013 at 3.15pm.
- Wednesday 12th March 2014: “Mon herbier des fleurs de printemps” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be 2 other workshops this month on Wed. 19th and 26th of March 2014.

- 12th March 2014: “La vraie nature du paysage”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- 12th March 2014: “Les oiseaux dans la BD” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- 12th March 2014: “La fée Couleurs”, a fun music & dance show in French from age 4 at the at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31 sous-sol) starting at 2.30pm. Free entry, no advance booking necessary.

- 12th March 2014: “La ronde des animaux”, story time in French from age 3 at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis in Geneva (Rue du Môle 17). Listen to the animal stories told by Adriana Conterio. Starting at 3pm, entry is free and no advance booking is required.
- 12th March 2014: “Carnaval: Masques & costumes” kids workshop in French from age 5 at the Parc Pré Vert Signal de Bougy. Places must be booked in advance at advance booking at 058 568 31 50 or signal.bougy@gmvd.migros.ch – the price is CHF. 15.- per child. Find out more about the Parc Pré Vert and their kids workshops in our previous post.

- 12th-16th March 2014: Voix de Fête music festival in Geneva. A programme filled with live concerts and events by the best musicians and artists of the Suisse Romande, France, Canada, Belgium and Africa. Don’t miss the free circus workshops at the Salle Communale de Plainapalais and the live music shows in the city’s coolest bars, part of the festival’s “Bars en Fête” spin-off.

- 12th-30th March 2014: “LE PETIT PRINCE ÉCARLATE”, theatre show from age 7 at Le petit théâtre in Lausanne, telling the story of Cinderella’s young son.

- 12th-23rd March 2014: “The Woman in Black”, the world famous West End production comes to the Simply Theatre Studios in Versoix (Centre de Choiseul, Avenue de Choiseul 23A). As the website says: “A lawyer – obsessed with a curse that he believes has been cast over him and his family by the spectre of a ‘woman in black’ – engages a sceptical young actor to help him tell his terrifying story, and exorcise the fear that grips his soul. It all begins innocently enough, but as they reach further into his darkest memories, they find themselves caught up in a world of eerie marshes and moaning winds. The borders between make believe and reality begin to blur, and the flesh begins to creep…Using the power and intensity of live theatre, prepare to be transported into a terrifying and ghostly world. Having run for over 23 years in London’s West End with over 7 million people living to tell the tale, The Woman in Black is of one of the most exciting, gripping and successful theatre events ever staged.”

- Thursday 13th March 2014: “Concerto, vous avez dit concerto?”, a special family concert suitable from age 6 at the Théâtre Forum Meyrin. Find out all about it in our previous post.

- 14th-16th March 2014: Yverdon-les-Bains Carnival, one of the largest carnival celebrations in the Suisse Romande. Find more info here.

- 15th March 2014: “Une, aucune, 100 histoires”, story time from age 3 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). Starting at 10.30am, free entry no advance booking required.
- 15th March 2014: T’choupi, theatre show for little ones at the Théâtre du Léman in Geneva. There will be 2 performances: the first at 2.30pm and the second at 5pm. A magical show about the world of little T’choupi and his friends!

- 15th March 2014: CONCERT EN FAMILLE N°3 – “LE MONDE DE MOZART” by Geneva Camerata at 11am at the salle Frank-Martin in Geneva (Collège Claparède, 3 Rue de la Vallée). These family concerts are a relaxed & enjoyable way to introduce your little ones to the best classical pieces and have fun together. Each concert has a musical theme developed through a series of wonderful compositions the young audience can delight in. The atmosphere at the GECA’s concerts en famille is cozy & laid-back, children can lay down on the colourful Tigeroy beanbags & let themselves be carried away by the music. The best part is that they are allowed to ask questions & interact with the artists – classical music definitely doesn’t come child-friendlier than this! Tickets are free for children under the age of 16, 10CHF for over 16s and 20CHF for adults.

- 15th-16th March 2014: don’t miss the Venetian Carnival in Annecy, a beautiful French town known as “the Venice of the Alps” for its canals and historical charm. The celebrations will run from 10am to 6pm across the old town and lakefront. Read our previous post to see some of the lovely photos we took last year!

- 15th-16th March 2014: International Sled Dog Race in the mountain resort of Les Mosses (VD). Don’t miss this great race with its 700 race dogs and their mushers. There will be plenty of activities and entertainment throughout the weekend, visit the official website for full details.

- 15th-16th March 2014: “Mummenschanz for Families” at the the Batiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva. “Mummenschanz for Families” is a great show for all ages (recommended from age 4) and all nationalities, with no words, no music, no stage sets but only bodies & colourful objects performing against a black background – but don’t be put off by this, their performances have a unique surreal humour that is truly fun & entertaining all the way through! Find out all about it in our previous post.

- 16th March 2014: “Trois contes autour de l’Islam”, story time in French from age 7 at the Musée Ariana in Geneva (Avenue de la Paix 10). Starting at 3pm, this story session will delve deep into the magic of Islamic children’s tales, in connection to their current ceramics exhibition “Terres d’Islam”, on until the 31st of August 2014. The session will include 2 Afghan tales (“Fière princesse” and “L’invincible Rostam”) and the Persian tale “Le conte de Seifoudine”, taken from the Shâh Nâmeh (Le livre des Rois). Entry to the museum is 8CHF for adults, free for children (up to the age of 18).

- 18th March 2014: “Rencontre coulisse”, a delightful music & puppet show from age 5 at the Bibliothèque de la Jonction in Geneva (Boulevard Carl-Vogt 22), starting at 4.30pm. This is Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) revisited in a fun way, the little ones will enjoy it! Free entry no advance booking required.
- 18th-23rd March 2014: CinéGlobe – Festival International de Films au CERN. An exciting selection of films inspired by science, which this year will explore the idea of the frontier in science, technology & cinema. Take a look at their official website for full programme details, the screenings of CinéGlobe will take place at CERN, in Meyrin.

- 19th March 2014: Après-midi jeux à la bibliothèque, discover some great games with your children (from age 5) at the Bibliothèque Entre-Bois in Lausanne (Chemin d’Entre-Bois 10). Free entry. There will also be baby story time at the Montriond library from 9.30am to 10.30am. Suitable from birth, free entry.
- 19th March 2014: Petit Rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO for little ones aged 5-10 accompanied by an adult: free of charge and no advance booking required! Introduce them to the joys of modern art with these fun, interactive tours starting at 3.15am. There will be another tour on Wednesday 26th of March 2013 at 3.15pm.
- Wednesday 19th March 2014: “Succulentes ou cactus?” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be 2 other workshops this month on Wed. 26th of March 2014.

- 19th March 2014: “C’era una volta un re”, story time in Italian from age 6 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). From 3pm to 4pm, entry is free but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 32 44.
- 19th March 2014: “Les oiseaux dans la BD” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- 19th March 2014: “Chemin partagé”, a music, theatre & circus show in French from age 3 at the at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31 sous-sol) starting at 2.30pm. Free entry, no advance booking necessary.

- 19th March 2014: “La légende du pont du Diable”, a musical tale from age 6 at the Usine A Gaz in Nyon (Rue César Soulié 1) that tells the legend of the Pont du Diable on the way to St-Gothard. Starts at 3pm, tickets are 10CHF for children and 15CHF for adults.
- 19th March 2014: “En noir et blanc… et en couleurs !”, storytime and book reading in French from age 4 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette in Geneva (Rue Veyrassat 9). Starts at 2.30pm, free entry.
- 19th March 2014: “PASTELS, PIGMENTS ET PORTRAITS”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).

- 19th March 2014: “It’s storytime!” storytime & songs in English for children aged zero to 4 at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38 grand rue). From 9.30am to 11am, free entry.
- 19th & 22nd-23rd March 2014: “La princesse des dragons”, puppetshow from age 4 at the Salle communale in Gy (Route de Gy, 142). Tickets can be purchased at the door and cost 10CHF per person.
- 20th March 2014: Nuit des Bains in the Quartier des Bains in Geneva. From 6pm onwards, enjoy a night out that’s all about art, fun and the latest gallery openings. And with weather like this, what could be a better way to spend an evening out on the town?
- 20th-23rd March 2014: Moudon Carnival, one of the largest carnival celebrations in the Suisse Romande.
- Thursday 20th March 2014: Marché nocturne hebdomadaire, Coppet’s weekly farmers’ market: from 4pm tp 9pm on Place des Ormes. You’ll find organic produce, oysters, cheese, wine and delicious pâtisseries – very hard to resist!

- 21st-22nd March 2014: “Siegfried ou qui deviendra…”, an opera for kids from age 8 at the Grand Théâtre de Genève (11, boulevard du Théâtre). Find out more about it in our previous post!

- 21st-23rd March 2014: Avenches Carnival, one of the largest carnival celebrations in the Suisse Romande.
- 21st-25th March 2014: “LE RÊVE D’ANNA”, a puppetshow from age 7 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). A dreamy tale of bravery and hope, duration approx. 1 hour.

- 22nd March 2014: “Légendes de l’île enchantée”, storytime in French about the ancient legends of Scotland, suitable from age 8 at the Bibliothèque de Saint-Jean in Geneva (Avenue des Tilleuls 19 – entrée rue Miléant). Starts at 3pm, free entry & no advance booking required!
- 22nd March 2014: “A table !”, cookery workshops in French for ages 7 to 12 at the BiblioQuartier des Grands-Hutins & Maison de Quartier de Carouge starting at 4pm. The children will learn to cook dishes from all over the world, the workshops are free but places must be reserved in advance here.

- 23rd March 2014: “Le défi sacré du grand totem” Sonia Grimm’s latest show for kids from age 5 at the Salle Salle Métropole in Lausanne (Place Bel-Air 1). From 4pm your little ones will be entertained with music, songs and lots of fun (in French).

- 25th March 2014: Né pour lire, book reading in French for babies & toddlers aged zero to 4 at the Bibliothèque de Carouge (Boulevard des Promenades 2bis) at 10am. This is a lovely way to introduce your little ones to the joys of reading. These sessions are in French and are suitable from birth – nursing pillows and changing units are available. Free entry.

- 25th March 2014: Lire avec son bébé, book reading in French for babies & toddlers aged zero to 2 at the Bibliothèque Bibliothèque des Pâquis (Rue du Môle 17) from 10am to 11am. This is a lovely way to introduce your little ones to the joys of reading. Free entry.
- 26th March 2014: “1001 HISTORIAS EN TU IDIOMA” story time in Spanish for ages zero to 6 at the Bibliothèque Jeunesse in Lausanne (Avenue d’Echallens 2A). From 9.30am to 10.30am, free entry.
- 26th March 2014: “Les oiseaux dans la BD” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor). Don’t miss the guided tour for families “Oiseaux en famille” that takes places on Wed. 26th of March from 1.30pm to 2.30pm.
- 26th March 2014: “Quelque chose de grand” reading by the children’s author Sylvie Neeman at the Société de Lecture de Genève (from age 6). These sessions take place once a month on Wednesday from 3.30pm to 5pm and include a snack. Tickets are 10CHF per child and 15CHF per adult (non-members pay 15CHF per child and 20CHF per adult).

- 26th March 2014: Contes pour les tout-petits, storytime in French from age 3 at the Bibliothèque des Minoteries in Geneva (Parc des Minoteries 3-5). Starting at 4pm, free entry.
- 26th March 2014: “Et cric ! Et crac ! Les contes sortent du sac !” storytime in French at the Bibliothèque des Jeunes in Nyon (Chemin de Crève-Coeur 3). Starting at 2pm, entry is free but try to get there at 1.45 to secure a place, there will be a snack for the little ones afterwards.
- 26th March 2014: “C’est la bagarre!”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- Wednesday 26th March 2014: “Voyage en Amazonie” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be 2 other workshops this month on Wed. 12th, 19th and 26th of March 2014.

- 26th March 2014: “Printemps : Bonhomme fleurissant” kids workshop in French from age 5 at the Parc Pré Vert Signal de Bougy. Places must be booked in advance at advance booking at 058 568 31 50 or signal.bougy@gmvd.migros.ch – the price is CHF. 15.- per child. Find out more about the Parc Pré Vert and their kids workshops in our previous post.

- 26th March 2014: Petit Rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO for little ones aged 5-10 accompanied by an adult: free of charge and no advance booking required! Introduce them to the joys of modern art with these fun, interactive tours starting at 3.15am.
- 26th March 2014: “J’avance et j’efface”, a theatre show from age 8 at the Théâtre Forum Meyrin (Pl. des Cinq-Continents 1) that tells the story of 9 year-old Stirs, who can’t remember anything for more than 3 minutes. A touching story, mixing music, video and songs. Performance time: 7pm.

- 27th-30th March 2014: Mednat Expo at the Expo Beauliue in Lausanne. This is the largest and most important exhibition in Switzerland dedicated to natural remedies, healthy eating and organic produce. With over 240 exhibitors, yogathon sessions and cookery workshops there is something for everyone! See the official website for full details.

- 28th March 2014: “Sonnez les matines” storytime & songs in French for children aged zero to 4 at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38 grand rue). From 9.30am to 10.30am, free entry.
- 28th March 2014: “Contes de sorcières”, story time in French from age 5 at the Bibliothèque Chailly in Lausanne (Avenue de la Vallonnette 12). Starts at 5pm, free entry.
- 28th March 2014: “1001 histoires en langue tigrigna” story time for ages zero to 6 at the Bibliothèque Entre-Bois in Lausanne (Chemin d’Entre-Bois 10). Starts at 4.30pm, free entry.
- 28th-30th March 2014: Expo Juniors, we just can’t wait for this fantastic family exhibition for ages 4 to 14 at Geneva’s Palexpo (Halle 5). With hundreds of fun & creative kids workshops, information about the best family activities in the area as well as parades, shows and sports demonstrations this is a great way to spend the weekend. Check their official website for full programme details. We have a few surprises coming so make sure you watch this space!

- 28th-30th March 2014: Carnaval Orbe. This year’s theme is inspired by Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” movie. The Bonhomme d’Hiver will be burned at 8pm on the Saturday night.

- Saturday 29th March 2014: story-time in English at the Off-the-Shelves bookshop in Geneva (15 bvd Georges Favon). The sessions start at 10.30am and take place on the last Saturday of every month – don’t miss the special discounts on kids books purchased during storuytime sessions (10am to midday).
- Saturday 29th March 2014: Né pour lire, book reading in French for babies & toddlers aged zero to 4 at the Bibliothèque de Carouge (Boulevard des Promenades 2bis) at 10am. This is a lovely way to introduce your little ones to the joys of reading. These sessions are in French and are suitable from birth – nursing pillows and changing units are available. Free entry.

- 29th March 2014: Atelier de création d’album photo, workshops in French from age 7 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette in Geneva (Rue Veyrassat 9). Starting at 2.30pm, the children will learn to make their own holiday photo album using a variety of media including painting, collage, drawing etc. The workshop is free but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 37 82.
- 29th March-13th April 2014: “VOYAGE EN POLYGONIE”, a puppet show from age 4 inspired by the Surrealist painter Joan Miró at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève.

- 30th March 2014: “Nez au vent, contes” storytime in French at the Pavillon Plantamour in Geneva (112, rue de Lausanne). From age 5, a lovely story-time about nature starting at 4pm.
- 30th March 2014: “L’apprenti magicien”, a fun show from age 4 at the Salle des fêtes du Lignon in Vernier (Place du Lignon 16), starting at 4.30pm. Will Sébastien learn all the magic tricks his uncle Horace has up his sleeve? Tickets cost 10CHF for children under the age of 10 and 20CHF for adults.

Silver Skates:
One of the things we love the most about winter in Geneva is the access to some fabulous ice-skating rinks: they’re fun, they’re mostly free of charge and you can often hire skates for as little as 2 CHF. Our little ones love it and last year even Little Miss Cutie wanted to have a go (and she was only a little over 18 months-old !). Here’s a selection of our favourite ones, but remember to check in your area as most villages and communes have their own winter skating-rinks.
- until 9th of March 2014: the Patinoires in Lausanne include the Patinoire de Montchoisi, Flon Patinoire and the Patinoire de la Pontaise. See the Lausanne official website for more details.
- until 23rd March 2014: The Patinoire des Charmilles in Geneva is smaller but it’s great fun for families: on Tuesdays & Saturdays from 1pm to 6pm they hold “Glisse en musique” skate & dance sessions for families that are really good fun! On Fridays from 5pm they offer various surprise activities. Entry is free and skates can be hired for 2CHF. Click here for opening times – the rink is closed on Mondays.
- For more ice-skating rinks in the Geneva region, click here.
- There are some great ice-skating rinks in Canton Vaud as well (our family’s favourite is La Patinoire de Terre Sainte in Coppet with its dazzling views over the château), so if you’d like to have a go you can find the complete list here.
- The exhibition “Universe of Particles” at the iconic Globe of Science and Innovation will plunge the little visitors into the fascinating world of the tiniest and biggest particles which make up our universe.From walking through luminous spheres to exploring CERN’s legendary accelerators physics has never been more engaging !Admission to “Universe of Particles” is free, from Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm at the Globe of Science and Innovation in Meyrin. Click here for the exhibition brochure.

- The new permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.

- until 27th April 2014: LES JEUX SONT FAITS ! HASARD & PROBABILITES. This highly successful exhibition has moved from the Musée d’histoire des sciences de Genève to the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne until the end of April 2014, so if you’ve missed it the first time around this is your chance! Discover everything there is to know about statistics and probability through the medium of games, this is a great child-friendly exhibition the whole family will enjoy. Click here for exact opening times and ticket prices.

- until 30th April 2014: An Artist’s Delight temporary exhibition at the Alimentarium in Vevey. Check the official website for un updated list of all available children’s and family workshops – you can also read about our visit to the Alimentarium in this post: trust us, it’s a great family day-out!

- until 3rd May 2014: “Objectif Penthes” – “Tint’interdit: pastiches et parodies”. A fantastic new Tintin exhibition at the Musée des Suisses dans le Monde in Geneva (Château de Penthes, Pregny), showing the work of Hergé’s fans and detractors along the years. The exhibition’s vernissage will take place on the 15th of February at 4pm.

- until 25th May 2014: “An imaginary museum of Playmobil®” at Chillon Castle. As their website says: “The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Guernica have been recreated in scenes put together with Playmobil® toys! The famous figurines also appear in other reconstituted works of art. This amusing approach to Art History has been made accessible to one and all through the efforts of French photographer and film-maker Richard Unglik…visitors will also enjoy seeing the three giant models made with real Playmobil® toys: a fortified castle and two Swiss panoramas made Bruno Peeters”.

- until 1st June 2014: “LE GOÛT DE DIDEROT”, art exhibition at the Fondation de l’Hermitage in Lausanne (2 Route du Signal) featuring an exceptional selection of paintings, sculptures, engravings and drawings that the French philosopher Diderot had the opportunity to admire at the temporary exhibitions of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture and at the Louvre.

- until 29th June 2014: “Ô Cézanne” a fantastic art exhibition about the French painter ideal for children aged 5 to 11 at the Vallée de la Jeunesse in Lausanne. Read all about it in our previous post!

- until 21st September 2014: “Oiseaux”, a fantastic birds exhibition at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle Genève. Discover the magic world of birds and how we can help to preserve them. Free entry.