Spring is finally here to stay and the list of events in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France is filled with exciting outings for the whole family.
Here’s our list of suggestions, but remember to keep checking our blog as we will be updating it with more events each week!
- You can read our previous post to find all the best child-friendly places to enjoy a delicious and stress-free Sunday brunch with your little buttons.
- Stuck for ideas on a Sunday ? Find some ideas and suggestions here !
- Spring is a fantastic time to explore Switzerland and its picturesque villages. Read our previous post for suggestions about great days out with the kids.
- When the sun is out, why not take the boat across the lake to visit the medieval village of Yvoire in nearby France?
- A bit further away but definitely worth a visit is the French village of Pérouges, it’s a great family day out!
- Sunday 6th April 2014: Easter egg hunt at the Festichoc chocolate festival in Versoix. The Easter Egg hunt will begin at 11.30am and there will be a chocolate gift for every participant
. See the official website for full details.
- Wednesday 9th April 2014: “Ton arbre de Pâques”, kids workshop in French at the ferme de Charlemont (opposite the Piscine de Colovray in Nyon). Price is 38CHF per child and you can choose between the 1.30pm to 3.30pm session or the 4pm to 6pm one. Call 022 776 81 55 for more info.
- 12th-27th April 2014: Pâkomuzé, family activities in Lausanne, Pully, Yverdon & the Vaud riviera.
- Sunday 13th April 2014: Easter Market in Nyon (VD), a lovely local market where you’ll find Easter crafts, Swiss delicacies and much more.
- Easter Holidays Kids Workshops at Chillon Castle (VD), including a cookery workshop using recipes from the Middle Ages and a wood-carving session for ages 9 to 12. Sessions cost 16CHF per child, take a look at their official website for full details.
- Wednesday 16th April 2014: “Qui se cache dans l’oeuf de Pâques ?”, Easter-themed story time in French from age 4 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette in Geneva (Rue Veyrassat 9). Free entry, starts at 2.30pm.
- 16th & 20th April 2014: “Décorer et colorier les oeufs de Pâques” Easter eggs decorating workshops & Course aux oeufs (Easter egg hunt) at Signal de Bougy.
- 18th-20th April 2014: Mosaïque de Pâques at the Place de la Navigation in Ouchy (Lausanne). Don’t miss this unique Easter mosaic composed with 38,000 painted eggs, created in support
of the ARFEC – Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer. From the 18th to the 20th of April, the painted eggs will be sold (CHF 1 each) on the Place de la Navigation with the aim of creating a giant mosaic, dedicated this year to marking the 80th birthday of the Fraternity of Ouchy Pirates. There will also be various stalls, events and catering on site. Free admission. All the proceeds from the event will go towards ARFEC’s work enabling families to accompany their children during hospitalisation.

- Sunday 20th April 2014: Peinture tempera, family workshop from age 7 at the Villa Bernasconi in Grand-Lancy. Learn to decorate your Easter eggs with tempera colours under the guidance of artist in residence Nelly Haliti. From 10am to 4pm with a break at 1pm for Easter brunch. Workshop is 5CHF per person – advance booking required at 022 794 73 03 or m.roduit@lancy.ch
- Sunday 20th April 2014: “Grande chasse à l’oeuf, dimanche de Pâques”, a great Easter egg hunt for children under 10 in the lovely gardens of the Château de Voltaire in Ferney-Voltaire (France). Entry is 3 Euros per child, no advance booking necessary. From 10am to 1pm.

- Sunday 20th April 2014: Easter Family Brunch with kids activities & Easter egg hunt at the Restaurant des Arts Hotel Chavannes de Bogis (VD). The brunch will include a starters & desserts buffet with a choice of main dishes, including Easter lamb and fresh filets de perches. Children will be well looked after by an appointed baby-sitter and will be able to take part in various activities including an Easter egg hunt – the restaurant has a large garden with swings and a climbing frame so the little ones will have plenty to keep them amused! Prices are 79CHF per person, 37CHF for children aged 6 to 14 and free of charge for children aged zero to 5. Advance reservations to be made on 022 960 81 81.
- Sunday 20th April 2014: Family Easter Brunch at the Restaurant Hotel du Parc des Eaux-Vives in Geneva. From midday to 2.30pm enjoy a sterling buffet of delicacies while the kids take part in Easter activities on the theme “Les cloches de Pâques”. The Easter brunch is 85CHF per person, half price for children aged 6 to 12 and free of charge for children aged zero to 5. Bookings to be made in advance on 022 849 75 75.
- 21st April 2014: Brunch dans les Tulipes in Morges (VD). Celebrate Easter at Morges’ fabulous tulips festival with this delectable brunch under the Relais marquee (Parc de l’Indépendance). Price per person CHF 35.-, Children from 6 to 12 years old CHF 20.-, free for children under the age of 5 years old. Reservations will be accepted until the 14th of April 2014, book your places at Relais Services 021 811 51 71.
- The outdoor park Forestland in Divonne-les-Bains will be open everyday from 10am to 7pm during the Easter holidays – if it’s a sunny day this is the place to go for some serious family fun!
- 29th March-11th May 2014: Morges Tulip Festival. Spring wouldn’t be spring without the Morges Tulip Festival with its 120,000 tulips of 300 varieties, blossoming along the lakeside promenade of the Parc de l’Indépendance in Morges. The first varieties start blooming around mid-April (weather permitting) and there are plenty of activities planned for the duration of the festival including a Sports Day on the 5th-6th of April; a children’s parade on April 11th, a Sunday Brunch on the 21st of April and much more. Find out more here.

- Tuesday 1st April 2014: “Voyage autour du conte et des histoires” storytime from age 4 at the library of La Julienne in Plan-les-Ouates from 4.30pm to 5.45pm. Free entry.

- 1st April 2014: Lire avec son bébé, story time in French for ages 0 to 2 at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis in Geneva (Rue du Môle 17). A wonderful way to introduce your little ones to the joys of reading. Starting at 10am, entry is free and no advance booking is required.
- 1st-5th April 2014: “Ventrosoleil”, a fascinating theatre show from age 7 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). Néla is a little girl with many dreams and a very strong will! Performed in French.

- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “Ecoute une histoire et fabrique…”, free workshop in French from age 5 at the Bibliothèque Montriond in Lausanne (Avenue de la Harpe 2). Free but advance booking required at 021 315 69 80 – a light snack for children is included, running from 2pm to 4pm.
- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “Création d’un cahier de mode”, fashion workshop in French from age 10 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). Runs from 2pm to 5.30pm, free entry but advance booking required at 022 418 32 44.
- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “Les Trésors de la rue” mini rendez-vous (ages 2-4) & “L’Arche de Noé” Petit Rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO for little ones aged 5-10 accompanied by an adult: free of charge and no advance booking required! Introduce them to the joys of modern art with these fun, interactive tours starting at 3.15am. There will be other tours on Sunday 6th of April 2014 at 11.15am (“L’Homme qui avait décidé de perdre son nom” Petits Rendez-vous for 5-10 year-olds). More Petits Rendez-vous on Wednesday 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th of March 2013 at 3.15pm.

- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “La conférence des oiseaux” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “M’as-tu vu!”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “Kamishibaï : petit théâtre de papier du Japon”, free theatre show in French from age 3 at the at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31 sous-sol) starting at 2.30pm. The show will focus on traditional Japanese tales, told through the medium of “kamishibaï” or paper theatre.Free entry, no advance booking necessary.

- Wednesday 2nd April 2014: “Qui a peur des plantes carnivores ?” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be another workshop this month on Wed. 9th of April 2014.

- 2nd, 5th-6th April 2014: “Les Trois Petites Louves”, a delightful puppet-show from age 4 at the Maison de Quartier Le Spot in Chêne-Bourg (2 rue François-Perréard). This is the story of the 3 little pigs revisited, the little ones will love it! Performance times: 2pm & 4pm on Wednesday, 2pm on Saturday, 11am & 2.30pm on Sunday. You can reserve your places at 022 348 96 78, tickets on sale at the door.
- 2nd-6th April 2014: Salon International des Inventions at Geneva Palexpo. Find out about the latest inventions and gadgets from all over the world, shown here for the first time.
- 2nd-6th April 2014: “Africa, paroles de griot” a wonderful music & dance show for all ages at the Esplanade du Lac in Divonne-les-Bains. Tickets are 25 euros for adults and 15 euros for children.

- 2nd-7th April 2014: Arvinis, international wine fair at the Halles CFF in Morges (VD), With over 15 stands and 2,500 varieties of wine from all over the world, this is definitely one to enjoy without the little ones! You won’t be able to buy wine at the fair under Vaud law but you will receive a tasting glass at the entrance so….make sure you use it!

- 2nd-13th April 2013: “LE RÊVE PENCHÉ”, a music & tales show from age 3 at Le petit théâtre in Lausanne (Place de la Cathédrale 12). Reserve your tickets here.

- 3rd April 2014: Signons ensemble, parent & child signing workshop conducted in French. Free of charge at the Bibliothèque des Minoteries in Geneva (Parc des Minoteries 3-5), from 10am to 11am.
- Friday 4th April 2014: Bébé à la bibliothèque, baby story time at the Bibliothèque Jeunesse in Lausanne (Avenue d’Echallens 2A). Free entry, runs from 9.30am to 10.30am.
- 4th-6th April 2014: discover what a taxidermist does at the Natural History museum in Geneva. Part of the Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art, make sure you reserve your free places on the 10.30am or 2pm guided tours. Reservations to be made at journeedesmetiersdart@ville-ge.ch or +41 22 418 36 10.
- 4th-6th April 2014: Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art in Geneva. Would you like to see what happens behind the scenes of the city’s most important cultural institutions? Would you like to meet the people who work there and learn more about what they do? If so, book your place for one of the guided tours or free workshops taking place in Geneva at the beginning of April. Visit the official website for full info and to reserve your place, but hurry as they fill up fast!

- 4th-12th April 2013: “Cully Jazz Festival”, a great music festival and the most important jazz festival in Switzerland. Click here for full details and to book tickets.
- 4th-13th April 2013: International Oriental Film Festival in Geneva with a section called “Fi-Fon-Fan” entirely dedicated to children aged 3 to 12. Movies will be shown on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings, on SUnday they will be accompanied by a great family brunch! Find out more in our previous post.
- Sunday 5th April 2014: Free entry to all museums and exhibitions in Geneva, a special initiative organized by the city of Geneva offering free access to permanent and temporary exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month.
- Sunday 5th April 2014: Free entry to the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne, enjoy their current exhibitons “Les jeux sont fait” and “Ô Cézanne” – you can see some photos we took last week here!
- Sunday 5th April 2014: Portes ouvertes 2014 & musical marathon (figuratevely speaking!) at the Conservatoire de Musique de Lausanne (Rue de la Grotte 2). From 10am to 5pm you’ll be able to enjoy some great live performances by the pupils of Lausanne’s Conservatoire de Musique and children will be able to explore any instrument they wish as well as find out more about available courses for next year. Click here to download the full programme.

- 5th-6th April 2014: “Tulipes Sportives”, why not try an exciting new sport and admire the beautiful tulips at Morges’ Tulip Festival ? On Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5 pm try your hand (and feet!) at yoga, Capoeira, Circus, Rugby and Zumba. Free entry for all at the Parc de l’Indépendance, Morges (VD).
- 5th-6th April 2014: Aperti, a special art event in Lausanne – 108 of the city’s artists will be opening the doors of their art studios to the public from 12pm to 6pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet these contemporary artists covering sculpture, drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, installations, performances, videos and see how they make their art happen. Suitable for all ages.

- 5th-6th April 2013: Junior Days, the first kids expo in Lausanne for 4 to 14 year-olds. Open from 10am to 6pm at the Expo Beaulieu in Lausanne this exhibition will offer a wide range of fun and educational activities, Zumba classes for kids, workshops, movies and shows for children – so make sure you check out their official website for full details. You can also enter our online giveaway for your chance to win one of 5 free Family Passes (2 adults + 2 children), good luck!

- 5th-6th April 2014: chocoholics rejoice as the Festichoc is back in Versoix for its 10th edition. This is the best chocolate festival in the Suisse Romande: with over 26 exhibitors and chocolatiers present you will be able to taste some delicious chocolate, learn how these scrumptious creations are made and also take part in a Easter Egg hunt on Sunday 6th of April at 11.30am. See the official website for full details.

- 5th-27th April 2014: La Belle Saison, fab festival at the Villa Bernasconi in Grand-lancy offering art exhibitions, live concerts, Sunday brunches and fun family workshops including dance, Easter egg decorations, photography. Click here to download the full programme or read all about it in our previous post. Free entry to the exhibitions and garden.

- Sunday 6th April 2014: «Contes et légendes pour petits et grands» told by Anne Richard, starting at 3pm at the Salle des fêtes in Thônex.
- Sunday 6th April 2014: Danse en famille, for parents & children aged 4 to 10 at the Villa Bernasconi in Grand-Lancy. Explore music, dance & movement with your little ones in this fun family workshop. Starts at 10am and requires advance booking at 022 794 73 03 or m.roduit@lancy.ch, price is 5CHF per person.

- Sunday 6th April 2014: Ciné-brunch for families at the Grütli Cinema in Geneva. The price for the brunch is 15CHF for adults & 3CHF for children plus the ticket price for the cinema (click here for full details). The brunch will be accompanied by Eastern music workshops and calligraphy demonstrations by the artist Abderrazak Hamouda. At 11am a selection of short movies for children will be shown (“God save the queen”, “The house of game”, “Peau de colle”, “Sled”, “Pomegranate is the fruit of paradise”, “Another north”, “Children of god”), followed at 11.15am by 2 films for parents: “J’aimerais qu’on sème en Palestine” and “Appelle-moi Mohamed”. If children are too young to watch the movies, they can stay with one of their parents in the room where the workshops take place.

- 6th & 9th April 2014: “LE PETIT BONHOMME CARRÉ”, a fun theatre show from age 3 at Le Manège in Onex (Route de Chancy). This is “graphic theatre” without word so perfect for children of different nationalities & languages. Performance time: 2.30pm, visit the official website to book your tickets.

- until 6th April 2014: “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat”, Andrew lloyd Webber’s famous musical comes to the Simply Theatre Studios in Versoix (Centre de Choiseul, Avenue de Choiseul 23A). As the website says this is the retelling of the biblical story of Jacob’s favourite son Joseph, a boy blessed with prophetic dreams and a coat of many colours. Sold into slavery by his eleven jealous brothers, Joseph is taken to Egypt where he endures a series of adventures in which his spirit and humanity are put to the test. This magical musical is full of unforgettable songs including Close Every Door, Those Canaan Days, and Any Dream Will Do.

- until 6th April 2014: “La Brioche des Mioches”, a unique brunch-cum-poetry show from age 5 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). A delicious Sunday brunch consisting of brioche, chocolate & tartines snack will be followed by a music & poetry show. Performances take place at 10am on Sundays, tickets are 10CHF for children and 15CHF for adults. Find out more about it in our previous post.
- 6th April-11th May 2014: Chaperon Rouge, the classical Little Red Riding Hood tale is brought to the stage in French at the Théâtre Töpffer in Geneva (21, Avenue Eugène Pittard). Performances will take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays at 3.30pm except on 19th, 20th, 23rd, 26th of April. Get there in advance to get the best seats when the doors open!

- 8th April 2014: from 9am to 11am, “Aux mille voyages” storytime in French for children at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38 grand rue).

- 8th April 2014: Né pour lire, book reading in French for babies & toddlers aged zero to 4 at the BiblioQuartier des Grands-Hutins in Carouge at 10am. This is a lovely way to introduce your little ones to the joys of reading. These sessions are in French and are suitable from birth – nursing pillows and changing units are available. Free entry.

- 8th April 2014: Lire avec son bébé, story time in French for ages 0 to 2 at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis in Geneva (Rue du Môle 17). A wonderful way to introduce your little ones to the joys of reading. Starting at 10am, entry is free and no advance booking is required.
- 8th-15th April 2014: “La petite fille aux allumettes”, a modern, fun adaptation of the famous Andersen tale at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). Suitable from age 6.

- Wednesday 9th April 2014: “Cultivons des plantes qui sentent bon” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme.
- Wednesday 9th April 2014: C’est qui le petit ?, free storytime & photo workshop in French from age 4 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). Runs from 10am to 11.30am, free entry but advance booking required at 022 418 32 44. Also running at the Bibliothèque de la Jonction from 4pm to 5.30pm.
- Wednesday 9th April 2014: special children’s screening at the Grütli Cinema in Geneva starting at 3.15pm: “Sur le chemin de l’école” (in the Salle Simon), a unique, tender look at the story of Jackson, Carlito, Zahira and Samuel – 4 brave children from Kenya, India, Marocco and Argentina who have to cover incredibly long distances to reach their school on foot, horseback or in a wheelchair. They all live thousands of miles apart but they share a passionate determination to learn. The following selection of short movies will be shown in the cinema’s Salle Langlois: “Amal”, “Crime and punishment”, “Pluie d’allégresse”, “C’est moi qui l’ai trouvé!”, “Baghdad Messi”, “Nesma’s birds” and “The fox who followed the sound”.

- Wednesday 9th April 2014: tickets for this summer’s Paléo Festival Nyon go on sale today at midday ! The Paléo Festival is one of the major open-air music festivals in Europe, this year’s edition will run from the 22nd to the 27th of July 2014 – make sure you don’t miss it.

- Wednesday 9th April 2014: “PASTELS, PIGMENTS ET PORTRAITS”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- Wednesday 9th April 2014: “Henry et le panier magique”, a theatre show in French from age 4 at the at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31 sous-sol) starting at 2.30pm. Free entry, no advance booking necessary.

- Wednesday 9th April 2014: L’AVENTURE HUMANITAIRE RA-CONTÉE, family visit from age 8 at the Musée de la Croix-Rouge in Geneva (Avenue de la Paix 17). From 2pm to 4pm children will be able to explore the museum collection, take part in creative workshops and listen to stories. Entry is 5CHF for children and 10CHF for adults, places must be reserved online in advance (see their official website).

- Wednesday 9th April 2014: “La conférence des oiseaux” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Thursday 10th April 2014 until June 2014: Comptines et jeux de doigts, free music sessions for children organized by La Bulle d’Air for children aged 18 months to 4 years (eacvh age group has different sessions). These short courses take place on the 10th of April, 8th of May and 5th of June 2014 at the Bibliothèque de Carouge (Boulevard des Promenades 2bis). They are free but places must be reserved in advance. Click here to download the full information brochure.

- 10th-11th April 2014: Bébé à la bibliothèque, free story time for babies running from 9.30am to 10.30am at the Bibliothèque Entre-Bois in Lausanne (Chemin d’Entre-Bois 10) on Thursday 10th of April and at the Bibliothèque Montriond on Friday 11th.
- 11th April 2014: Tim et les zinvisibles, a theatre show from age 7 by Genevan author Sandra Korol at L’Esplanade du lac in Divonne-les-Bains at 7.30pm. A trip back in time for sad 30-year-old Tim, who will travel back to his 8th birthday with the help of his imaginary friend Mel…
- Friday 11th April 2014: Conférence de Tahar Ben Jelloun écrivain et poète from 6pm to 8pm at the Université de Genève (24 rue Général-Dufour). A fascinating talk about the concept of family & the individual in Eastern & Muslim cultures by the Prix Goncourt winner Tahar Ben Jelloun. In the context of the 2 cultures, how is the hyper-healthy (promoted by mass advertising) or imperfect body perceived? Free entry, open to all.
- 11th April 2014: Children’s Parade at the Tulip Festival in Morges (VD). From 2.15pm children from local schools will be parading through the Parc de l’Indépendance, go along the Quai du Mont-Blanc and walk in the Grand-Rue of Morges.
- 11th-13th April 2014: Salonbébé 2014 at Palexpo Geneva. This exhibition is all about life with baby, so don’t miss it if you’re expecting a little one or are new parents looking for all the latest info and baby products. With baby massage sessions, talks about childcare issues and much more you’ll find all the info and advice you need. Find out more about all the exhibitors and the full programme on their official website.

- Saturday 12th April 2014: illustration workshop for children aged 6 to 12 at la Librerit Bookshop in Carouge (1, place du Marché). Conducted in French, from 10.30am to midday. Free entry but places must be reserved in advance at 022 343 97 71 or by email at info@lalibrerit.ch. You can find out more about La Librerit in our previous post!
- 12th April 2014: “Une, aucune, 100 histoires”, story time from age 3 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). Starting at 10.30am, free entry no advance booking required.
- 12th April 2014: Guided tours for young children & families in Geneva’s old town, enjoy a lovely day-out as a family by taking part in these free urban safaris through the Old Town. The tours are especially devised for families with children aged 3+ and will take place at regular intervals from 9.30am to 3.30pm. These fun guided walks – conducted in French – will be led by local architects and are free of charge but places are limited so make sure you reserve your places well in advance at eveil.culturel@ipe-ge.ch – tel. +41(0)22 810 18 90. You can read more about it in our previous post.

- Saturday 12th April 2014: “Journée portes ouvertes” starting at 2pm at the Sécheron – Espace de quartier in Geneva. If you live in the neighbourhood, don’t miss this fab family day-out at the local Maison de Quartier where you’ll be able to enjoy dance shows, free yoga sessions, workshops and story-time for children and much more. Free entry.

- 12th-13th April 2014: “Yonn”, a musical tale from age 7 at La Julienne in Plan-les-Ouates in Geneva. Tickets cost 10CHF per person.
- 12th-27th April 2014: Pâkomuzé is a series of fab family events taking place during the Easter holidays in 32 museums in Lausanne, Pully and the Vaud riviera. Don’t miss it! You can read all about it here.

- Sunday 13th April 2014: “DEMONSTRATIONS ET INITIATION AU DECOUPAGE”, free workshop for all ages at Prangins Castle (VD). Running from 2.30pm to 4.30pm this is a free workshop included in the museum’s entry price, places to be reserved upon arrival on the day.
- Sunday 13th April 2014: Ciné-brunch for families at the Grütli Cinema in Geneva. The price for the brunch is 15CHF for adults & 3CHF for children plus the ticket price for the cinema (click here for full details). The brunch will be accompanied by art workshops and face-painting for children. At 11am the children cartoon “La jarre; une histoire d’orient” will be shown, followed at 11.15am by a selection of short films for parents: “Amour clandestin”, “Koceila et Les berbères d’Egypte”. If children are too young to watch the movies, they can stay with one of their parents in the room where the workshops take place.

- Sunday 13th April 2014: “Le défi sacré du grand totem” Sonia Grimm’s latest show for kids from age 5 at the Salle des Fêtes in Thônex. We have seen the show in Prangins a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it (including my eldest boy). Performance starts at 4pm but try to be there earlier as seats are not allocated.

- until 13th April 2014: “VOYAGE EN POLYGONIE”, a lovely puppet-show from age 4 at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève (Rue Rodo 3). Inspired by surrealist art and jazz music, this show is a true feast for the eyes! Visit the official website for exact performance times and to book tickets.

- until 13th April 2014: Intégrale Joel et Ethan Coen, to celebrate their 60th birthday and 30 years in the movie business. If you’re a fan of the Coen brothers don’t miss this extraordinary retrospective of their work at the Cinémathèque suisse in Lausanne (Casino de Montbenon, Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3). From the Big Lebowski to Fargo & No Country for Old Men, you can watch them all for 15CHF per movie or buy a carnet of 10 tickets for 70CHF.

- 15th April 2014: ATELIER DE VACANCES – MARDI AU MUSEE (fr) “Jeux d’ombres”, workshop in French for children aged 7 to 12 at the Château de Prangins – from 2pm to 4.30pm. The cost is CHF 10.- per child, including a snack. Places must be booked in advance at 022 994 88 93.
- Wednesday 16th April 2014: “La conférence des oiseaux” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 16th April 2014: “Clic-Clac dans la boîte”, free workshop in French suitable from age 5 at the Bibliothèque des Eaux-Vives (Rue Sillem 2). From 3pm to 5pm your little ones will learn to make a photo camera from a carton box! Free but advance booking required at 022 418 37 72.
- Wednesday 16th April 2014: “Qui se cache dans l’oeuf de Pâques ?”, Easter-themed story time in French from age 4 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette in Geneva (Rue Veyrassat 9). Free entry, starts at 2.30pm.
- Wednesday 16th April 2014: “Décorer et colorier les oeufs de Pâques”, workshops in French for children aged 4 to 11 at Signal de Bougy (VD). Nonstop from 1.30pm to 4.30pm children will be able to join these egg decorating workshops for just 4CHF per child. Advance booking at signal.bougy@gmvd.migros.ch or +41 58 568 31 50 is highly recommended. You can find out more about Signal de Bougy in our previous post.

- 18th-20th April 2014: Mosaïque de Pâques at the Place de la Navigation in Ouchy (Lausanne). Don’t miss this unique Easter mosaic composed with 38,000 painted eggs, created in support of the ARFEC – Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer. From the 18th to the 20th of April, the painted eggs will be sold (CHF 1 each) on the Place de la Navigation with the aim of creating a giant mosaic, dedicated this year to marking the 80th birthday of the Fraternity of Ouchy Pirates. There will also be various stalls, events and catering on site. Free admission. All the proceeds from the event will go towards ARFEC’s work enabling families to accompany their children during hospitalisation.

- Sunday 20th April 2014: “DEMONSTRATIONS ET INITIATION AU DECOUPAGE”, free workshop for all ages at Prangins Castle (VD). Running from 2.30pm to 4.30pm this is a free workshop included in the museum’s entry price, places to be reserved upon arrival on the day.
- Sunday 20th April 2014: Peinture tempera, family workshop from age 7 at the Villa Bernasconi in Grand-Lancy. Learn to decorate your Easter eggs with tempera colours under the guidance of artist in residence Nelly Haliti. From 10am to 4pm with a break at 1pm for Easter brunch. Workshop is 5CHF per person – advance booking required at 022 794 73 03 or m.roduit@lancy.ch

- Sunday 20th April 2014: Course aux oeufs, an unmissable Easter activity for the whole family at Signal de Bougy (VD). The Easter egg-hunt begins at 11am and the meeting point is the park’s restaurant. No advance booking is required as the hunt is free of charge and open to all – the fun will continue with plenty of chocolate Easter eggs to be won and live performances by Chichili the clown.

- Sunday 20th April 2014: “Grande chasse à l’oeuf, dimanche de Pâques”, a great Easter egg hunt for children under 10 in the lovely gardens of the Château de Voltaire in Ferney-Voltaire (France). Entry is 3 Euros per child, no advance booking necessary. From 10am to 1pm.

- 21st April 2014: Brunch dans les Tulipes in Morges (VD). Celebrate Easter at Morges’ fabulous tulips festival with this delectable brunch under the Relais marquee (Parc de l’Indépendance). Price per person CHF 35.-, Children from 6 to 12 years old CHF 20.-, free for children under the age of 5 years old. Reservations will be accepted until the 14th of April 2014, book your places at Relais Services 021 811 51 71.

- 22nd April 2014: ATELIER DE VACANCES – MARDI AU MUSEE (fr) “Jeux d’ombres”, workshop in French for children aged 7 to 12 at the Château de Prangins – from 2pm to 4.30pm. The cost is CHF 10.- per child, including a snack. Places must be booked in advance at 022 994 88 93.
- 22nd-25th April 2014: Vacances à la romaine, kids workshops in French for ages 7 to 12 at the Musée Romain de Nyon (9 rue Maupertuis). These fun sessions will look at the history and customs of ancient Rome, from mosaic art to unravelling ancient coded messages. Running from 2pm to 4pm all week, they cost 16CHF per child and must be reserved in advance at 022 361 75 91 or musee.romain@nyon.ch. Click here to download the full programme.

- 22nd-27th April 2014: Atelier photo pour enfants avec Laetitia Gessler, for ages 8 to 12 at the Villa Bernasconi in Grand-Lancy. Learn to use a manual camera with professional photographer Laetitia Gessler, come equipped with your own camera and reserve your place in advance at 022 794 73 03 or m.roduit@lancy.ch. The workshop costs 50CHF for the week.

- Wednesday 23rd April 2014: “La conférence des oiseaux” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 23rd April 2014: “BAM, PAF, CLONG, BONG! LES SCULPTURES ANIMÉES DE TINGUELY Petits pas – Les ateliers danse du musée”, dance workshops from age 5 at the Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Entry is 14CHF per person and places must be booked in advance.

- 25th April 2014: Portraits et autoportraits coloriés à la Andy Warhol, Warhol-inspired art workshop in French from age 8 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette in Geneva (Rue Veyrassat 9). Free entry but places must be booked in advance at 022 418 37 82, starts at 3pm.
- 25th April-3rd May 2014: Visions du Réel, Nyon’s international film and documentary festival. When we first moved to Switzerland, I applied to work as a bénévole during this festival and a couple of years later I interviewed the organizers for Swiss News – the insight I had was such a privilege and great fun too! Visions du Réel is definitely an appointment not to miss if you love thought-provoking and original films dealing with the reality and contradictions of this amazing world of ours. Check the official website for full details of the daily programme which will be unveiled on the 7th of April 2014.

- 26th April 2014: “BAM, PAF, CLONG, BONG! LES SCULPTURES ANIMÉES DE TINGUELY Petits pas – Les ateliers danse du musée”, dance workshops from age 5 at the Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Entry is 14CHF per person and places must be booked in advance.
- 26th April 2014: “Qui es-tu ? Entends-tu ? Que fais-tu ?” storytime in French from age 4 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette. Free entry, starts at 3pm.
- Sunday 27th April 2014: Ciné brunch – Ernest et Célestine at the Esplanade du Lac in Divonne-les-Bains (France). A fantastic new initiative for families starting at 11am, which will include a free screening of the adorable cartoon “Ernest et Célestine” – based on the original story by Daniel Pennac and suitable from age 3 – followed by a scrumptious family brunch organized by the team of “Entre vous et nous”. Entry to the movie is free of charge, the family brunch will be 19 Euros per person and 9 Euros per child. More info & bookings at +33 (0)4 50 99 00 72.

- until 27th April 2014: LES JEUX SONT FAITS ! HASARD & PROBABILITES. This highly successful exhibition has moved from the Musée d’histoire des sciences de Genève to the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne until the end of April 2014, so if you’ve missed it the first time around this is your chance! Discover everything there is to know about statistics and probability through the medium of games, this is a great child-friendly exhibition the whole family will enjoy. Click here for exact opening times and ticket prices. You can also have a look at the photos we took during our visit!

- Wednesday 30th April 2014: “La conférence des oiseaux” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 30th April 2014: “Né pour lire” free reading session for children aged 0-5 at the Bibliothèque Forum Meyrin (1, pl. des Cinq-Continents). From 9am to 9.45am, a lovely opportunity to share a book or a story with your little tiddlers! No advance booking necessary.
- Wednesday 30th April 2014: “Balade nature et légendes au téléphérique du Salève” in French from age 3 at the Maison du Salève in France (775 route de Mikerne, 74160 Présilly) from 2.30pm to 4pm. Children will take part in a creative workshop and listen to old legends. Price is 6€ per child, accompanied by an adult (entry for 1 adult per child is free), places must be reserved in advance at info@maisondusaleve.com or + 33 (0)4 50 95 92 16.

- 30th April 2014: “Et cric ! Et crac ! Les contes sortent du sac !” storytime in French at the Bibliothèque des Jeunes in Nyon (Chemin de Crève-Coeur 3). Starting at 2pm, entry is free but try to get there at 1.45 to secure a place, there will be a snack for the little ones afterwards.
- 30th April 2014: “C’era una volta un re”, story time in Italian from age 6 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). From 3pm to 4pm, entry is free but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 32 44.
- until 30th April 2014: An Artist’s Delight temporary exhibition at the Alimentarium in Vevey. Check the official website for un updated list of all available children’s and family workshops – you can also read about our visit to the Alimentarium in this post: trust us, it’s a great family day-out!

- 30th April-18th May 2014: “NE M´APPELEZ PLUS JAMAIS MON PETIT LAPIN”, a puppet-show from age 4 at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève (Rue Rodo 3). This is the story of Jean Carotte, a little bunny with very big ears who’s tired of being called “mon petit lapin”. Visit the official website for exact performance times and to book tickets.

- until 3rd May 2014: “Objectif Penthes” – “Tint’interdit: pastiches et parodies”. A fantastic new Tintin exhibition at the Musée des Suisses dans le Monde in Geneva (Château de Penthes, Pregny), showing the work of Hergé’s fans and detractors along the years. The exhibition’s vernissage will take place on the 15th of February at 4pm.

- until 11th May 2014: Morges Tulip Festival. Spring wouldn’t be spring without the Morges Tulip Festival with its 120,000 tulips of 300 varieties, blossoming along the lakeside promenade of the Parc de l’Indépendance in Morges. The first varieties start blooming around mid-April (weather permitting) and there are plenty of activities planned for the duration of the festival including a Sports Day on the 5th-6th of April; a children’s parade on April 11th, a Sunday Brunch on the 21st of April and much more. Find out more here.

- until 25th May 2014: “An imaginary museum of Playmobil®” at Chillon Castle. As their website says: “The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Guernica have been recreated in scenes put together with Playmobil® toys! The famous figurines also appear in other reconstituted works of art. This amusing approach to Art History has been made accessible to one and all through the efforts of French photographer and film-maker Richard Unglik…visitors will also enjoy seeing the three giant models made with real Playmobil® toys: a fortified castle and two Swiss panoramas made Bruno Peeters”.

- until 31st May 2014: Playtime, an exhibition about the world of videogames at the Galeries du Forum Meyrin (5, place des Cinq-Continents). Enjoy all the interactive stations to discover what the world of videogames is all about. Entry is 5CHF per person and the opening times are 2pm to 6pm – Wednesday to Saturday.

- until 1st June 2014: “Audrey Hepburn, sur un plateau & à la une” a great photo exhibition about one of Hollywood’s most iconic stars of all times: Audrey Hepburn. Did you know she lived for many years in Tolochenaz, near Morges (VD)? well, if you’re a fan of Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Sabrina or any of her wonderful movies then don’t miss this exhibition of previously unseen photographs at the Expo Fondation Bolle in Morges (Rue Louis-de-Savoie 73-75), open Wednesday to Sunday from 2pm to 5pm. Free entry.

- until 1st June 2014: “LE GOÛT DE DIDEROT”, art exhibition at the Fondation de l’Hermitage in Lausanne (2 Route du Signal) featuring an exceptional selection of paintings, sculptures, engravings and drawings that the French philosopher Diderot had the opportunity to admire at the temporary exhibitions of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture and at the Louvre.

- until 7th June 2014: “Pierrot et Mélodie”, a delightful puppet-show from age 4 at the Théâtre des Lutins in Lausanne (Rue Petit -Saint -Jean 1A). A magic tale about the arrival of spring and the evil Winter Queen with performances at 3pm on Wednesdays; 11am and 4 pm on Saturdays. Tickets are 10CHF per person.

- until 29th June 2014: “Ô Cézanne” a fantastic art exhibition about the French painter ideal for children aged 5 to 11 at the Vallée de la Jeunesse in Lausanne. Read all about it in our previous post, or have a look at the photos we took during our visit last week.

- until 6th July 2014: “Pas de panique”, a great exhibition – suitable for adults and children alike – dealing with fear and panic, explained in a fun and interactive way. What ignites these powerful emotions? How do they affect us? Learn all about fear, panic and stress and…fear no more! Click here for full deatils of all upcoming conferences and events linked to the exhibition at Uni Dufour in Geneva (Rue Général-Dufour 24). Free entry.

- until 21st September 2014: Superman, Batman & co…mics! A great exhibition at the Maison d’Ailleurs (Place Pestalozzi 14, Yverdon-les-Bains) paying tribute to the “comics culture” through the work of 5 contemporary artists: Adrian Tranquilli, Gilles Barbier, Mathias Schmied, Alexandre Nicolas and Audrey Piguet. A fascinating journey through the icons of this modern mythology. Check the official website for more details on guided tours and kids workshops.

- until 21st September 2014: “Oiseaux”, a fantastic birds exhibition at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle Genève. Discover the magic world of birds and how we can help to preserve them. Free entry.

- until 30th November 2014: La Maison des Jouets, a great exhibition of vintage toys at the Musée Alexis Forel in Morges (Grand-Rue 54). From mechanical toys to dolls, play kitchens and teddy bears this fab exhibition will take you on a fascinating journey through the history of toys & childhood play. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 2pm to 6pm.

- The exhibition “Universe of Particles” at the iconic Globe of Science and Innovation will plunge the little visitors into the fascinating world of the tiniest and biggest particles which make up our universe.From walking through luminous spheres to exploring CERN’s legendary accelerators physics has never been more engaging !Admission to “Universe of Particles” is free, from Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm at the Globe of Science and Innovation in Meyrin. Click here for the exhibition brochure.

- The new permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.